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Freddie and her kids  // Gallery // Image 0
Motherhood, With family
Freddie and her kids
MOTHERHOOD SESSION Last year, I had the privilege of capturing Freddie on her own as part of my '40 over 40' campaign. This year she brought her three lovely children - Laurien, Karlijn, and Douwe - to my studio in Driebergen. We had a wonderful time with Costina Lumezeanu pampering the girls with hairstyling and makeup, and we explored two unique looks - one with a fresh, light vibe, and the other with a classic, timeless charm. Freddie is such a positive, proactive and energetic woman and it's clear that her children adore her. I love capturing women on their own and also with the people that they love. That's why I've put together a special 'mother and daughter' experience, and while photoshoots are more of a 'girly' thing, boys are more than welcome to join in too.Want to learn more? It's an experience that's close to my heart, and I can't wait to share it with you.
Wendy Punt, 54 // Gallery // Image 4
Wendy Punt, 54
If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Sweet, direct, honest, strong, independent, sensitive and vulnerable. One of my friends said she could write a trilogy :-)))) What would you say is your best emotional quality? Hard worker, sensitive, practical What are you most proud of? When I turned 50, I got divorced, lost my job and got depressed. I am not the kind of person that asks for help easily but got the courage to seek professional help. I got rid of my low self-esteem, my debts, my  doubts and toxic people.I am proud of that, looking back and to say that I did it.....all by myself! What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? I have a couple.... “Better an oops, than a what if.” “Watch, learn and try.” “Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again” What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Don't let anyone tell you, you're not good enough. Don't go out of your way to make everyone around you feel better, you will lose yourself and you will feel invisible. You matter too! I wish I had learned that decades ago..... What are your thoughts on ageing? Getting older doesn't really bother me, you can't stop it hope is I grow old, happy and healthy. Is there anything else that you'd love to share as part of your story? I lost my mum last year, I know she would be só proud of me now for having the guts to participate in this challenge and having my picture taken. I wish I had done it sooner so she got to see them.
Regina, 51 // Gallery // Image 8
Regina, 51
Regina, 51 If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? sweet/ loving, caring, creative, chaotic What would you say is your best emotional quality? I always say to myself and others: 'Tomorrow is a new chance to do better', so maybe 'hopeful' is my quality I guess, or stay positive? What is your occupation and how to you like to spend your free time? I work at a textile workshop with people who have acquired brain damage, we work with substanable goods and sell them in a webshop and take personal orders. I also teach art at schools to stimulate creativity with textile and learn skills, and I'm a NLP coach, I work for a NLP Institute. What are you most proud of? Helping my kids through primary school; keep on believing in them/ us and stay persistant. It was a true nightmare! When a child is not average, teachers have their opinion, are not willing to see your child in total and do not listen to parents, that's a recipe for disaster... My oldest is higly gifted; made jigsaw of 100 pieces and could read & write when he was 4 by himself, not because we pushed him. My youngest truely hated school when she was 7 years old, screamed and cried every morning, she was diagnosed severe dyslectic when she was 11 so can you imagine every day at school you are confronted with somehing you can not and everyone else can... It's a kind of abuse, because even math is with words now, so if you can not get the calculation right out of the story you do not succeed at this school subject either. Luckily she is very creative and that became her main focus in school. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? You always have a choice... This is one of NLP basic principles and you can apply it to everything. What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Be thankful for all that's there, do not focus on all you're missing or that's not perfect. Things always can get worse, so be happy what's there, what you've got and what you look like! When you entered your 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's or beyond, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? Only 2 weeks after my 30th birthday I got in a car accident and that for a long time ruined my life as I knew it. It was a big challenge to be patient to recover and take it one step forward, two steps back. I had to put my dreams and my desire to have children on hold. My 40's were mainly about surving day by day stuggles and only round the age of 50 I found more inner peace and got rid of lots of old pain and believes that didn't serve me. So life really get's better and better. Do you have a story about yourself that you would like to share? The story above? Or if you like another one... Summer 2019 at the swimmingpool in Crete, I read my favorite magazine 'Flow' and get inspired by an article on the terrible effects of the clothing industries. How they ruin nature and people in the process of making them, cost a lot of CO2 by transporting them and get dumped so soon and easily in Africa and South America. This has to change... What if I can find a nice way to tell this to teenagers, our future generation, by learning them to see more value in clothing and teach them the skills to change and make their own unique clothes, bags etc. And how wonderful would it be to get older people and people with different backgrounds involved, because they still have the craftmanship skills, wich our children do not learn in school anymore and it brings some meaning into their life as well, because giving and sharing makes you feel alive. I mailed some people and started to share my idea the months after and june 2020 I started teaching projects at schools and in august we started the workshop at a fixed location, for 2 days a week with 5 women. I'm working to get more people and publicity so we can grow. It gives so much positive energy to experience my idea really has come to life. What are your thoughts on aging? You either die or grow old, I prefer to live and grow, so I'll take the wrinkles and sagging skin for granted. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? I'd love to own a house at the beach, or spend more time at there, because the beach and sea give me an instant feeling of freedom, joy and peace. I dream of a bigger reach of my ideals about substanability in combination with creativity, so we re-use what's allready there, instead of endless buying new and my ideals of how we should interact with one and another, I mean truely listen, react with empathy and more tolerance, look at the bigger picture instead of only me, me, me. I'd like to improve and evolve my coaching skills; if you do not grow, devellop, you stand still and you go backwards. There are a lot of things I like to learn; I'd like to get more organised, draw and paint better portraits, play guitar and the piano, speak spanish because I love how it sounds.
Niki Verkaik, 60 // Gallery // Image 12
Women, Fabulous Over 40, Headshots
Niki Verkaik, 60
The 40 -over- 40 Women's Campaign Niki is a such a warm and open woman that you immediately feel like you've known her for years. She has her own company, Oleander Travel BV where she arranges bespoke and un-touristy tours for her clients in Cyprus, Greece and Jordan. (If you're feeling the need for some sunshine, contact her!) She turned 60 last year and had never had a professional photoshoot done before and her 60th birthday was a great milestone for a portrait experience. She wanted some professional and beautiful portraits as well as some images with her 2 daughters. If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Enthusiastic, generous, warm, open What is your occupation and how to you like to spend your free time? I am a Tour Operator organising holidays to Cyprus and Greece specialised in fly drives, active holidays and holidays made to measure. What are you most proud of? This is a big question....we all have challenges and new experiences and traumas in our lives. Life is beautiful but sometimes demanding. I am simply proud of the way I have handled and faced all kinds of circumstances in my life. Sometimes I say I wish I knew in my 20s as much as I know now, but this is wrong....I am who I am now because of all the experiences I had during all these years. I am really very proud for making a new home in a new country, for starting my business after being a "trailing happy housewife" for almost 10 years, for bringing up two miracles - my daughters - in the world, for overcoming financial problems and for surviving breast cancer. Pick and choose....every experience in my life has been just as important and determining in my life. I am proud for all of them. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? My favourite quote is "Be Positive, Stay Positive. There is always light at the end of the tunnel" What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Stay true to yourself, listen to yourself and your gut feeling. When you entered your 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's or beyond, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? I have just become 60 and I am really enjoying it. What I experience with this big milestone in my life is (even if I don't always show it) is an inner peace and wisdom. This is for me the biggest change I felt entering my 6th decade. Do you have a story about yourself that you would like to share? For many years we have been unwillingly childless. After 6 IVFs and after loosing my IVF twins at 25 weeks because of a doctors mistake and after a 1,5 year of moaning I had decided that this is it. There is no room for kids in our lives. I had said to my partner that this is our "cross". We would take one more dog and travel with his work the whole world around. My brothers had already children and those would become our children as well. We had spent a beautiful summer attending the wedding of very dear friends in Norway and then we continued our holiday in Cyprus. Skinny dipping, getting drunk, going on a jeep safari, doing silly things, things that you only do during your summer holiday. After 5-6 weeks I started feeling sick....bum....unexpectedly pregnant....9 months later our first was born, two and a half years later our second one came to complete our happiness. Both of our girls are a miracle and a true gift given to us from God! What are your thoughts on ageing? Let it come, this ageing thing. Many people are concerned about it. I say be happy being allowed to age. It is a blessing and carry it with proudness and acceptance. Make sure you live as healthy as much as you can and let the rest come to your path. Some things you cannot control in your life. Enjoy what you are and who you are at this stage of your life. And stop making additions and subtractions to see how many years you have lived and how many more you have to live. Simply live your life. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? I would like to bring Oleander Travel to the next level. Since 2005/2006 I am offering specialised authentic an active holidays direct to individuals, B2C we call it . Since last year I started working more intensively designing travel products (holidays) for other colleagues, called B2B, especially for groups. This turn in my work has given me an extra boost and energy . Working with and for other colleagues gives me new challenges and energy. "To the next 10 years" I say ;) How did you feel about doing this photoshoot? Being me I went to Jules on the day of the shoot full of guilty feeling that "Oh I am so vain" to do this photoshoot only for myself. WRONG! It was like going to a life coach. The photoshoot revealed my three as professional, open and ready to design a nice holiday for my clients, me the proud mother, (I did a few photoshoots with my beautiful daughters) and me Niki, the fun loving gipsy in her soul crazy Niki. I just loved it. The gipsy Niki pictures I will place somewhere I can see them every day to remind me of the fun Niki and help me go though my day. I definitely recommend Jules and taking such an opportunity.
Lauren & Zoe // Gallery // Image 16
Women, With family
Lauren & Zoe
Lauren is one of those casual and natural women who just ooze sexiness and she was lovely to have in front of my lens. We did most of the shoot with her on her own and then her 2 children joined in for the last part of the session.
Patricia Passier // Gallery // Image 1
Women, Fabulous Over 40, Headshots
Patricia Passier
Patricia is a revalidatiearts who also has her own coaching business. She is a positive, energetic and joyful woman who is motivated by sustainability. Her favourite quote is 'Pura Vida'... which is all living a good life through cherishing simple pleasures. I I think that is so beautiful.. and something we can all do more of - rather than chasing 'more', to be aware and grateful of all the simple and beautiful pleasures we have already. Patricia came to my studio in Driebergen and was hesitant to have her make-up done as she doesn't wear much make-up but Costina Lumezeanu is a master of enhancing women's beauty in a natural way. We created mostly personal branding portraits for Patricia but then also decided to play around with something fun and feminine - a wedding outfit that Patricia hadn't worn in 20 years and still fit!
Ellen Cornelisse, 52 // Gallery // Image 5
Fabulous Over 40, Women
Ellen Cornelisse, 52
If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Strong drive, independent, approachable, thoughtful, empathic, goal oriented, eager to learn, analytical/detail focussed, humor, quick learner, impatient/high energy. (I did ask a couple of people independently and they all gave the same kind of feedback. It was very insightful). What would you say is your best emotional quality? Looking forward, finding ways to move on even when it is scary or even not meeting our ideas/hopes/plans. So that would be future driven and having a strong drive/energy to keep moving and going forward. What is your occupation and how do you like to spend your free time? Occupation: Director Global Finance Operations P2P EMEA at Nike inc.  Free time: travel, nature exploring like hiking & skiing. Love music, going to concerts with family and friends. I try to read more fiction and nonfiction to further expand my world and knowledge. What are you most proud of? I am most proud of having lived abroad, by myself, having to start from scratch. It has given me confidence and a great insight in the world. It made me even more independent, knowing I can do this all by myself. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? “You are never too important to be nice to people.”  “Be nice; in the end it will give you more joy in life and in the end that is how you want to remember others as well so why not do this as well.” What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? There is a great book called: The Midnight Library of Matt Haig that I wish I had read when I was in my twenties. It is about the choices one makes during life and how your life evolves after each choice and also what you leave behind. One particular part of the book resonates the most:  "It is not difficult to see yourself through the lens of other people, and to wish you were all the different kaleidoscopic versions of you they wanted you to be. It is easy to regret, and keep regretting, ad infinitum, until our time runs out. But it is not the lives we regret not living that are the real problem. It is the regret itself. It's the regret that makes us shrivel and wither and feel like our own and other people's worst enemy. We can't tell if any of those other versions would have been better or worse. Those lives are happening, it is true, but you are happening as well, and that is the happening we have to focus on". The Midnight library: Matt Haig. When you entered your 50's, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? In Dutch there is this saying: You have to do what you think is best, people will talk about it anyway.  (Je moet doen wat je zelf wil want de mensen praten toch wel) It is related to the 20-year advice actually. If it makes sense to you and it is good for you - do it. Do you have a story about yourself that you would like to share? Something funny, wise or that you have overcome?  Back in the days when I started working I was one of the few full time mothers (parents I prefer iso mother) in my children's classroom.  It has been clear there always was this message, and people even told me directly in the face, that I was not available for my children because I was working full time.  I never really understood that to be honest because at the same time I had to let go of a lot of personal things I would like to do. That was a personal choice for me and I did not understand why others were judging me on this. Now women are encouraged by the government to work full time. That is not gonna fix the issues and perceptions that are somehow embedded in our culture where it is simply not supported to work fulltime (expensive childcare , school hours and holiday's fixed). Lastly, as long as women still get less paid for the same job and responsibilities we should not talk about the fact that the women are supposedly princesses that do not want to work. What are your thoughts on aging? Aging is just there. You can ignore it but it still will be there. You can hide it, yes to a certain extent, but it is still there. Embrace it, live with it, love it.  Having lost people my age already has made me realise we have to feel okay on aging, I never hide my age and am very open about it. It is nothing to be ashamed of but one should be very proud and happy to share! Ageism is a real thing, especially with women and this campaign can help to change that perception! Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? What are the skills or things that you'd still love to learn?  Big goals or small goals, as long as there is a goal or some kind of idea of what to achieve it is good. I'd really want to further expand my knowledge and share this regarding change and transformations in organizations. Other plans are to travel as much as possible to learn about other cultures and insights. In the end we are all here to be heard and understood and by going out and finding those opportunities it will make one grow.
Ilse, 53 // Gallery // Image 9
Ilse, 53
The 40-over-40 Women's Portrait Campaign Ilse is a warm, strong and caring woman who is a consultant and coach. Over the last while, she has undergone huge changes in her life - ending a long-term relationship, moving from her established home and becoming a master of NLP. She's also started writing a book. If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Loving, caring, warm person with a lot of humor. What would you say is your best emotional quality? I always see potential in people What is your occupation and how to you like to spend your free time? I work as an consultant and coach. In my free time I love reading, cooking, going to the gym (yoga), traveling and spent time with famlly and friends. What are you most proud of? My two children. I went through quite rough times the last few years: ended a longterm relationship. Found myself a new home. And became Master in NLP. And finally started writing a book. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? Life is always happening for me not to me (Tony Robbins) What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Have faith in yourself. being just who you are is perfect enough. When you entered your 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's or beyond, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? In my 50's I became a Master in NLP, I ended a longterm relationship, found myself a new home. And my children went to college. My father passed away when I was in my 40's. Do you have a story about yourself that you would like to share? The best present for my 50th birthday was an ice bath workshop, given by Wim Hoff. What are your thoughts on aging? In Dutch there is a saying that everybody wants to get old, but nobody wants to be old. However being seasoned has the advantage of knowing better what I want in life and what I don't want. And to realize that you're always one decision away from a totally different life. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? My goal is to write a book about women in their fifties.
Catherine Blosser, 56 // Gallery // Image 13
Catherine Blosser, 56
The 40 over 40 Women's Campaign Catherine is a kind, sensitive and beautiful woman who adores art and fashion. She is originally from France she completely fits the stereotype that French women have style!When she showed me her many choices for her wardrobe, I wasn't quite sure how it was all going to fit together but she puts on any combination of clothing and makes it look fabulous. If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Once said a friend of mine "Desert Edelweiss " I always felt quite different and kind of one of a kind but not standing in my strength enough to handle it. What is your occupation and how to you like to spend your free time? I guess the most important occupation I had in my life was to be a mother. It's the greatest responsability I've experienced, the most powerful and beautiful to be given, also the most scary because you are always the example, so you have to be the best example for your children. Because they are now almost grow-ups or studying, I realise I have now time to think about: what do you need Catherine? What do you want? Free time to me is looking for water. I really need the calming influence of the sea...or a river...or even a natural pool.... When I move to the Netherlands in 1993, I was so delighted that I could visit the sea within 1 hour riding....this was really a gift. What are you most proud of? Surviving a trauma, starting a business, moving countries, or just making it through every day? I am really blessed and happy with everything in my life what "made me" the person I am now. I think life gives you what you have to get, and you learn much more from the hard part of it than from the soft part. I learned to be confident with my feelings and intuition, being happy with myself and not depending on anyone to be happy. The only person you earn is yourself. Even your kids are not yours. When you realize this, you can sink in a kind of confidence with everything in your life, and you can be deeply positive. Because it's the best way to fight the negative around us. I have been "the strong one" for a long time but now I'm free to rest. And to let go. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? DIFFERENT IS ATTRACTIVE What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? We feel so insecure when we are 20. The best hint is to stay close to yourself. Don't look to others, just look at yourself, at what you have and not at what you do not have. Embrace the differences and not the similarities. And go inside, everytime you feel insecure. Because the answer is always inside, not outside. Also try to be PATIENT. This is the greatest key to success in many ways. When you entered your 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's or beyond, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? Eg, in work, health, family or relationships? The greatest change was to realize that I am my big own happiness. I don't rely on anybody else. I'm in charge and being different is great and ok! Do you have a story about yourself that you would like to share? Something funny, wise or that you have overcome? The funniest is that I met the Dutch father of my children through friends. As a French girl I was always attracted to any country covered with sun so my attention went to all the sunny countries under France. I had barely heard over the Netherlands and did not knew at all where this country was on the wold map!!!! What are your thoughts on aging? I feel blessed to have reached already my age, because my mother passed away when she was 50. I was 26 and I definitely missed her in all the moments I would have liked to share with her in all the phases of my life. I had to discover a lot by myself.... I missed the reference! I will be blessed with each single year I will get. Really. Because life is a wonderful present. Even the setbacks are a gift that makes you grow. And I really think that the most difficult in aging is to lose a lot of people along the way... Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? What are the skills or things that you'd still love to learn? Never stop dreaming... I do not have specific goals to reach or accomplish, I let life surprise me. I've experienced a divorce, and a burn out, so I had enough stress in my life. I really try to avoid any situations which could set me upside down, this is I think the greatest achievement for me....
A portrait session with Azelle // Gallery // Image 17
A portrait session with Azelle
I couldn't believe that this beautiful woman is 51.
Hannatu Hamman, 44 // Gallery // Image 2
Hannatu Hamman, 44
Hannatu came in for a shoot in Driebergen as part of the Fabulous Over 40 Women's Portrait Campaign. She is a warm, honest and grounded woman and I was super excited for a gorgeous African woman to be in front of my lens, especially with some traditional Nigerian attire. If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Smart, practical joker, caring What would you say is your best emotional quality? I listen and try not to speak too quickly. What is your occupation and how do you spend your free time? I work as an Accountant and enjoy singing, reading, and watching sci-fi movies or series. As the mother of a toddler at the moment, I have very little free (me) time and when I am not working or taking care of my family, I take long walks though I am rarely alone for that. I also spend time working on my podcast (editing, writing up interview questions etc). What are you most proud of? I have lived in four different countries- including my country of birth, but I am most proud of having made it through four IVF cycles and several embryo transfers. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? 1. You only live once.  2. No man is an island. What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Live in the moment, every moment. When you entered your 40's, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? Entering my 40s, I find the emotional changes something to celebrate. I am more resilient and at the same time more sympathetic towards others. Do you have a story about yourself that you would like to share? When I was in my 20s, I moved on a whim to a city in England where I did not know anyone. Wandering around the city with my ‘fresh-off-the-boat’ luggage and barely any money in my pocket, I met a stranger in a shop who offered me their couch to sleep on and I took the offer ( 😳 not recommended!). The next day or so, I was walking down the street looking for available house-shares and saw a note on a red door advertising an empty room. The note seemed friendly ( it was signed with hearts). I left my name and number, the host called me back and I moved in that day. She ended up being like an adopted mother and I lived in the house for five years until I moved back to Nigeria. What are your thoughts on aging? Aging has a bad reputation which I think is undeserved. It is a blessing to go through different physical and emotional stages in your life, to see growth and change. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? There is still so much I would like to learn, especially about how technology can make our lives better. I would also like to learn to garden because I am a plant killer at the moment. Exploring the world by traveling more is also on my list of things to do. Is there anything else that you'd love to share as part of your story? Something I have learned from my husband is to be of service to those around me. Love is an action word and the more you give of it in the way you treat others, the more of it you feel. It would be a shame to go through life without it.
Marion Mulder, 48 // Gallery // Image 6
Women, Headshots, Fabulous Over 40
Marion Mulder, 48
The Fabulous Over 40 Campaign Marion is a warm and spontaneous woman who started her real estate business 4 years ago. The past two and a half years have been tough for her, especially with the unexpected death of her soulmate, her mother. Despite her challenges, Marion believes that every bad event in life gives us the strength we need to make the next beautiful event possible. I love her favourite quote by Betty Friedan on aging: 'Aging is not "lost youth" but a new stage of opportunity and strength' Her future dreams include getting her pilot's license - amazing! This is what she said about her photoshoot: "It was an incredible experience and I got to know myself in a different way. I always say that I am a beautiful person inside and not on the outside. But the photoshoot showed me that I can also be beautiful on the outside."
Ming, 73 // Gallery // Image 10
Ming, 73
The 40 over 40 Women's Portrait Campaign Ming is calm and patient and has the most radiant and sparkly eyes. She came in for a shoot with her daughter, Tzoe and her grandchildren joined in for some shots at the end - you can see how they just adore her. If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Friendly, caring, patient & loyal What would you say is your best emotional quality? Patience What is your occupation and how to you like to spend your free time? I used to be a stay at home mom, when my kids were still little, now I have grandchildren. My hobbies, include diamond painting, listening to music and my volunteer work What are you most proud of? Still being able to do everything myself, I want to. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? Doe maar normaal, dan ben je al gek genoeg. (We didn’t know how to translate this in English) What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Your opinion matters and is of value. Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion. You are stronger than you think. What are your thoughts on aging? With age come insights
Lutasha // Gallery // Image 14
This woman was just gorgeous to photograph with so much exuberance and energy just flowing out of her. After going through a stressful divorce, Lutasha contacted me to do a shoot as a celebration of herself and her strength and to regain a sense of herself after being married for so long. To mark the beginning of a new and amazing chapter in her life. She came into my studio to have her hair and make-up done and brought in a few different outfits to play around with. She also brought in some bubbles to play with as a representation of her inner child... and I think it worked so beautifully!
Angelique and Corne - a glamorous couple shoot // Gallery // Image 18
With family
Angelique and Corne - a glamorous couple shoot
Corne and Angelique are a very stylish and glamourous couple - it was so much fun having them in studio. Angelique is the such a sweet woman and is a complete Marilyn Monroe lookalike.
Chantal de Nauta, 53 // Gallery // Image 3
Women, Fabulous Over 40, Headshots
Chantal de Nauta, 53
The Fabulous Over 40 Women's Portrait Campaign If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Loyal Sweet Caring Bit weird - crazy What would you say is your best emotional quality? Energetic and passionate What is your occupation and how do you like to spend your free time? For work, I am the culture & people manager @ Bergman Clinics. In my free time, I like to be outside (walk, golf, hockey, padel),read books, borrelen and enjoy time with my friends or family What are you most proud of? Being a mum that is loved by her children for who she is - Being a mum is my most rewarding job in life. Also making a career alongside that. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? Just do it.. Collect moments not things. What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Enjoy more! When you entered your 50's, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? Time gets shorter so use it well. Make Better choices. Appreciation. Do you have a story about yourself that you would like to share? I’m half Italian but not a great cook. I love to drink and eat though! What are your thoughts on aging? I am happy to get older. But you want to get older but not to be older. So keep calm - forever young. Keep the spirit. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? What are the skills or things that you'd still love to learn? I would like to learn to playan instrument and be better at golf.
Debbie, 42 // Gallery // Image 7
Debbie, 42
The 40-over-40 Women's Portrait Campaign I mey Debbie many years ago back in 2008 when I photographed a maternity session in Cape Town. I've been priviledged to capture her family over the years and have loved watching her girls grow. This time she came from London to be a part of the 40-over40 campaign and I was so excited to capture her in this way as she is such a gorgeous, strong and fabulous woman. Her daughters, Lerato and Nia joined in for some shots but this shoot was mainly about her. If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Gracious Stubborn Brave What would you say is your best emotional quality? I am driven by a sense of purpose and fairness, that often involves having difficult conversations with people. I am able to do this with a strong sense of empathy for the human being across the way from me and delivering messages in a calm and clear way. What is your occupation and how to you like to spend your free time? I am a Partnerships Director in a global inclusion consultancy and a Non-Eceutive Director of a legal services provider. I like to spend my free time with my family, hanging out and relaxing together. We enjoy eating out, watching movies, shopping and travelling together. I also really enjoy time out in nature - one of my favourite pastimes is walking our dog Biscuit in the woods. I am not myself if I am not exercising, so this is a regular fixture in my daily routine, especially on my Peloton bike! What are you most proud of? I am proud of: - the life that my husband and I have built in a foreign country we now call home without any family and support structures, and to do so raising our children together - the young tweens my daughters are growing up to be - they push me to be a better person everyday - the way that I have learnt from my many mistakes to be a better person in the world and to show up for people where I can - my professional achievements, after an extensive career break - proof that you can get back on track and that mature professionals don't need to be wasted talent - the risks I've taken in my life, sometimes not really knowing where life is going to lead me, but trusting that the universe has my back What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? "When somebody shows you who they are, believe them the first time" Maya Angelou What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Say yes to everything that is going to grow you, even when it seems like it's going to be a struggle! Throw yourself into life with the mindset that there is more good in the world than bad, and that when the bad happens, it's to grow you - be open to it all. When you entered your 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's or beyond, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? Health - it's the most important thing, looking after myself and putting my health first has never been more important and listening to my body is everything to me. Family - you don't get to choose them, but they are the grounding force in my life - they come first always. Relationships - nurture the ones that give you energy, eliminate the ones that don't. Work - you spend 80% of your time working - make sure you're happy and doing work that matters - always back yourself, otherwise, no-one else will. What are your thoughts on aging? Aging is a beautiful gift - I am learning so much being older, getting wiser and feeling more confident about who I am and how I look and show up in the world. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? What are the skills or things that you'd still love to learn? I would like to be a more present wife and mother! I have career aspirations that I would like to achieve and grow into a more senior role. I would like to learn a new language. I would like to get back to learning the piano. I would like to get fitter and stronger.
Tzoe, 40 // Gallery // Image 11
Tzoe, 40
The 40-over-40 Women's Portrait Campaign Tzoe is warm, down-to-earth and organised. She does coaching for companies through playing with lego - how cool is that for a job? She came in as part of the 40-over-40 campaign firstly with her mom and then her children joined in for a few shots at the end of our session. If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Caring, open-minded, Genuine & generous, Rational. What is your occupation and how to you like to spend your free time? I am a freelance IT consultant and a workshop facilitator, I specialize in in-person workshops through play/games. In my free time, I love building LEGO models, playing board games (with my family) and going out for a bite What are you most proud of? In 2022, I am most proud of 3 things. 1. My mother. She never chooses anything for herself; she finally did and is coming to grow into this even more beautiful person. 2. My children, Chu Fei & Chu Kai. I am seeing that they are finding themselves a bit more every day and know that they are turning into wonderful people. 3. Starting my own business. After working for a company for so long, I have finally taken steps to start my own company with my business partner /work husband, Marcellino Larijn. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. ~ Dr. Seuss~ What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Listen to your gut feeling, don't ignore it. You are good enough, don't let anyone tell you something else. What are your thoughts on ageing? Ageing is just another word for living ~ Cindy Joseph
Maya and Marijke // Gallery // Image 15
Women, With family
Maya and Marijke
Maya and Marijke are both such kind and gentle women. It was Maya's 50th birthday as well as Marijke's 76th birthday and they decided that it was time to celebrate themselves with a photo shoot. Maya's kids joined in for a few shots at the end of our session too.
Justine // Gallery // Image 19
I have photographed Justine several times over the past few years with her husband and little boy, Cameron. This time she came in for a portrait session on her own. We did some casual, glamourous and sexy images for her session.