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End of School Portraits with Angeles and Sofia // Gallery // Image 0
With family, Headshots
End of School Portraits with Angeles and Sofia
Angeles's husband booked a photoshoot as a 50th birthday gift for her. She used this opportunity to create a few new business portraits, some personal portraits to celebrate being 50 and also to create timeless portraits with her daughter, Sofia, who was finishing with 'middelbare' school and heading off to university in Groningen.
Splendor Advocaten - Zakelijke Portretten/Personal Branding Photoshoot // Gallery // Image 4
For Business
Splendor Advocaten - Zakelijke Portretten/Personal Branding Photoshoot
Splendor Advocates is a boutique law firm based in Utrecht. They specialise in corporate law, M&A, contract law, insolvency law and conflict resolution. They value direct personal contact as well as building long-term relationships with their clients. It had been eight years since their last professional photoshoot and it was time to update them to have new images for their website, online presence and publications. They wanted a professional and corporate look to their images that was still personable and relatable.
Nicole van der Zeyden, 42 // Gallery // Image 8
Women, Fabulous Over 40
Nicole van der Zeyden, 42
I photographed Nicole's wedding waaay back in 2008 in Johannesburg and have done several family shoots with her and her little boys over the years. This time her husband bought her a gift of a portrait session on the Fabulous Over 40 (I know, right - what a man!) as he knows that photos are the only things that really remain. They came out from Dubai to combine a shoot with visiting family in the Netherlands. Nicole is kind, sweet, a fantastic mother as well as being insanely beautiful. If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Kind, loving, stubborn What would you say is your best emotional quality? Adaptability. What is your occupation and how do you like to spend your free time? I'm a stewardess. Exploring, eating and sitting quietly watching in a large open air space( preferably a green space) What are you most proud of? Making big life decisions and seeing them through, such as moving abroad twice and going it alone in a very foreign place without fear of failing. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? "I’m so small", said the mole.  "Yes", said the boy, "but you make a huge difference." From: The boy , the mole, the fox and the horse. Actually I love the whole book. It’s just such a beautiful arrangement of words and thoughts. What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Live (really live) , laugh more (life’s too short and too serious), travel alone, study something/anything (never stop growing and learning). When you entered your 40's, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes?  In work: you become a lot less respected as you age (Sadly experience in this world is no longer valued).  In health: OMG does it get harder to wake up and then you realise it’s only going to get harder... In family: I still cry often when I see how fast my children are growing and that soon enough they will no longer need me. What are your thoughts on aging? We all age. We all die. Love yourself, look after yourself and don’t wait for someone to lift you up or fix you. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? Still so many places to see....... I’d love to learn to sing and to dance again ( I qualified as a teacher and never taught)
Afke de Wouw - WOUW Performance Coaching // Gallery // Image 12
Afke de Wouw - WOUW Performance Coaching
Afke came in for a shoot at my studio in Driebergen to create updated business portraits for her website and to send to press and media for promotions. She works in a mainly masculine world and wanted to create something strong and simultaneously feminine. She is a sport psychologist, sport scientist and former physiotherapist. She works with (elite) athletes, coaches and other high performers. She loves her job because she can directly contribute to athletes' performance enhancement by improving their self-knowledge and helping them to develop skills such as focus, confidence, and resilience. It fulfils her to witness athletes grow, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. She works with athletes from various sports and at different levels, from amateur to professional; but also with teams, coaches and other performers like musicians which provides a diverse and dynamic work environment. The field of sport psychology is constantly evolving, which also offers her opportunities for ongoing learning and professional development. She's based with her private practice in Utrecht. Her company ‘WOUW Performance Coaching’ is based on the campus of the Dutch Football Association (KNVB) in Zeist. She also works with the National U19 football team, which is mainly abroad for international championships. Visit her website for more info:
Astrid van Oosterum, 48 // Gallery // Image 16
Women, Fabulous Over 40
Astrid van Oosterum, 48
ASTRID, 48 Astrid came into my studio in Driebergen for a photoshoot on the Fabulous Over 40 Campaign. She had a shoot done when she was 23 with a hat and wanted to recreate similar images as a comparison in time. We had lots of fun playing around! If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Creative, compassionate, busy bee What would you say is your best emotional quality? Empathetic What is your occupation and how do you like to spend your free time? I'm an IT implementation consultant Free time: writing, DIY, caring for animals, dancing, spending time in nature, etc. etc. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you." I believe the world would be a happier place if everyone tried to live by this motto. What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? When people treat you badly, it says nothing about you, but a lot about them. Also, don't spend your life worrying about what other people think (I'm still working on that one). What are your thoughts on aging? I still feel like a 25-year-old, sometimes it's weird that my mirror doesn't reflect that. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? I'm still not sure what I want to be when I grow up!
Nina Rattenbury // Gallery // Image 1
Women, Headshots, Fabulous Over 40
Nina Rattenbury
Nina is a creative and intuitive woman who wanted to do a shoot to create some updated images for her business (she is an interior designer and strategist) and also to celebrate herself exactly as she is and to celebrate herself as an art form. To her there is nothing more beautiful than black and white photography and timeless pictures to keep for life and hand down to future generations. Her goals for the future include doing a triathlon, writing a book and renovating a small villa somewhere in Europe by the sea. I love her thoughts on aging: "I find it beautiful in its unraveling, but I also think it is a very personal journey especially for women. It should be more about the unraveling and learning of one's inner self more than anything, and how any woman wishes to deal with the outer aging process is up to them." We created a beautiful and classic photo album with the images that she selected from her session. Are you woman in your 40's, 50's, 60's or beyond who would love to create some updated business images or just to celebrate yourself as you are right now? There are just 2 spots left for this season of 'Fabulous Over 40'
Lu Cai - Shine Brighter Image Consultant // Gallery // Image 5
Women, Headshots
Lu Cai - Shine Brighter Image Consultant
Lu is a stylist and image consultant who loves to make women 'Shine Brighter'. She helps women cultivate their personal style and transform their image through their choice of clothing and colours. She even offer a personal wardrobe transformation where she crafts your digital capsule wardrobe, freeing you from the stress of wardrobe decisions and shopping so you can focus on what brings you joy and energy, and let your style effortlessly shine. She believes that every day is a special occasion and a chance to feel good and be seen. She came into my studio for some updated headshots and personal branding images. Not only is she insanely gorgeous, but she is sweet, kind, funny and very professional at what she does.
Wouter van Duin // Gallery // Image 9
Wouter van Duin
Wouter's beautiful wife, Ellen, bought this portrait shoot as a gift for Wouter so that he could update his business headshots. We took the opportunity to create some personal and casual portraits too.
Anat Akiva, 42 // Gallery // Image 13
Fabulous Over 40, Women
Anat Akiva, 42
Anat is a beautiful woman who has overcome breast cancer and made the choice not to have reconstructive surgery. She did this shoot as awareness for herself and for others that you can still be beautiful with one breast and that there is perfection in 'imperfection'. With the challenges she has been through, she wants to be of service and uplift others. If your friends/family had to describe you in a few words, what would they say? Someone to take with you when you know you will be stuck on a lonely island.  My loved ones know me as kind, intelligent, creative, responsible, caring, and a problem solver. What would you say is your best emotional quality? I'd say that my strongest emotional quality is empathy. I have a high ability to understand and connect with what others are feeling. I've always believed in being there for people, showing that I care, and taking responsibility in meaningful ways. I think my intelligence and creativity also play a role here, helping me see things from various angles and find unique ways to support and assist others. What is your occupation and how do you like to spend your free time? I was an academic scientist for nearly 20 years, investing most of my time and effort in research. However, at the age of 42, I made a significant shift in my career path to pursue what I see for myself: a more fulfilling journey. I now find myself drawn to working closely with people, seeking to inspire and uplift them. My current focus involves sharpening my skills as a facilitator, aiming to guide and teach others how to cultivate a collaborative and enjoyable work environment. I firmly believe that a harmonious workplace can foster creativity and productivity. Concurrently, I've found another passion that drives me - empowering women who have undergone mastectomy to embrace and love their bodies as they are: resilient and powerful. The last mission is close to my heart as I advocate for women to see themselves as not just survivors but as victorious heroes. Through my efforts, I aim to redefine societal perceptions and demonstrate that strength and empowerment are above physical appearances. It's about embracing our uniqueness and feeling both powerful and confident with our bodies, even if we have only one boob. Because, after all, we are more than capable of triumphing over adversity and redefining our own narratives. What are you most proud of?  What I'm most proud of is the person I've evolved into. While there have been numerous high points in my life, it's difficult to single out just one, as each achievement has shaped the individual I am today. One thing that stands out is my commitment to not taking the easy path. I've consistently looked for challenges to push myself and propel me forward. Whether it was serving in a commando unit in the army, doing a Ph.D. in a prestigious institute, relocating (alone) to the Netherlands, fighting breast cancer, or starting two businesses at the age of 42, each experience has contributed to my growth. Embracing these challenges has taught me resilience, adaptability, and the value of perseverance. By continuously striving to overcome hurdles and attain new heights, I've cultivated a sense of accomplishment and an unwavering belief in my own capabilities. This, above all, is what fills me with pride and gratification. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying Before each challenge, I tell myself:  1. Many people did it before me, and many people will do it after me. I am not an exception, and there is no reason I couldn't overcome this challenge either.  2. There is no point in worrying about things you cannot control. What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? To my 20-year-old self, I would advise: Don't be afraid to take the plunge and don't hesitate too much. You possess a set of unique virtues and character traits that you might not be fully aware of right now. Trust that as time passes, these qualities will come together to shape your path. At a later stage in life, you'll discover the true alignment of your passions and abilities, leading you to a sense of fulfillment and purpose in this world. Remember, each challenge you face and every decision you make contribute to your growth. The journey might not always be clear, but every experience is a stepping stone. Embrace uncertainty as an opportunity for growth, and trust in your inner strength. You have the capability to overcome obstacles and achieve more than you can imagine. Stay open to change, be receptive to new experiences, and don't shy away from taking calculated risks. The journey ahead will test you, but it will also unveil your hidden potential. So, step forward with confidence and a belief in your own unique journey. Your virtues will shine through, and eventually, all the pieces will come together, revealing the remarkable person you're meant to be. When you entered your 40's, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes?  As I entered my 40s, (after already fighting cancer), something clicked inside me – a realization that this might be the last call to truly meet my destiny and redirect the course of my life toward its true purpose.  Although I like exploring and embracing new experiences, it felt like the right time to gather all these different journey experiences and merge them into a coherent story with a clear purpose. I could feel that there might not be another shot at aligning with my true calling. What are your thoughts on aging? If you cannot beat it - join it.  It doesn't mean that you need to give up and become old...  Do whatever you can to slow down the process of aging, and not only as in physical appearance. In a way, our physical appearance is connected to our mental state. Involve yourself in many social interactions, be busy, enjoy life, try new things and new activities, and collect good experiences and memories - as many as you can. You will, in a way, stay young. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? Only now, at the age of 42, I am starting to work on my real dream: to positively impact the lives of many!
Monique de Chalain // Gallery // Image 17
Women, Fabulous Over 40
Monique de Chalain
MONIQUE Monique is a confident, caring and determined woman who marches to her own beat. Everyone has different reasons for doing a photoshoot - for many people it's to do something beautiful and empowering for themselves, to celebrate a specific milestone or to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves. For Monique, her reason to do a photoshoot was an act of self-love as an example to her 19 year old daughter. And also to get some updated images to use for business. In her words: "Talk about doing something out of my comfort zone! I was incredibly apprehensive and anxious going into it, but when I walked out of your house, Jules, I felt like I was walking on a cloud! And now that I have these beautiful pictures of myself, I feel empowered and I feel that I have achieved what I wanted to achieve, which was to show my daughter that after adversity it is possible to love yourself again." WOW! Would you like to have an empowering experience and take steps to loving yourself a bit more? Pop me a mail and let's book a date!
A Mother-Daughter Maternity Shoot // Gallery // Image 2
Women, With family
A Mother-Daughter Maternity Shoot
I've photographed Jeanette before as part of the Fabulous Over 40 in 2023 and I was so excited to do a maternity session with her and her lovely daughter, Cheyenne. How special is it to have beautiful images with your daughter at such a special moment in time? They came to my studio in Driebergen where we started with hair and make-up done by Monique from
Silvia Martinho, 48 // Gallery // Image 6
Fabulous Over 40, Women
Silvia Martinho, 48
If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Loving, powerful, and independent. What would you say is your best emotional quality? I am resilient What is your occupation and how do you like to spend your free time? I am the head of Proposal Management at ChargePoint, and I like to spend my free time with friends and family. What are you most proud of? I have heard several times that I should write a book about my life. It is a story of resilience, learning, and love. The growth I have experienced is powerful, and I consider it a miracle. I can say I am proud of doing all the above; I moved from my birth country at the age of 25 years old and graduated from TU Delft with a Master of Science title in the year 2000. I have survived a relationship with a narcissist and started my own business. I have raised my daughter by myself, and I can say that the human being she became is my highest achievement! What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? Sonnet of Fidelity (Vinícius de Moraes) Above all, to my love, I’ll be attentive First and always, with care and so much That even when facing the greatest enchantment by love be more enchanted my thoughts. I want to live it through in each vain moment And in its honor I’ll spread my song And laugh my laughter and cry my tears When you are sad or when you are content And thus, when later comes looking for me Who knows, the death, anxiety of the living Who knows, the loneliness, end of all lovers I’ll be able to say to myself of the love (I had): But be infinite while it lasts. What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Trust your intuition. It will guide you through your choices and you will be fine. When you entered your 40's, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? Life is constantly transforming; from my 40s to now, all these aspects have changed. I got the chance to work in an innovative industry, and I devoted more attention than before to my health and family. As I grow old I have to take more care of my health, not because I am sick but because I want to live long and healthy. What are your thoughts on aging? The body changes, and inside, I feel 25 still. If only I could be 25 again and know what I know now. (laughing) Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? Oh my! There is so much I still want to learn. I have to learn for work constantly, and I still have many years to go. On a personal level, I would love to know more about nutrition, gardening, and natural medicine. Also, there are a couple of places I want to travel to.
Rina Poetoe, 40 // Gallery // Image 10
Women, Fabulous Over 40
Rina Poetoe, 40
If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Kind, funny, caring What would you say is your best emotional quality? I empathise with others. What is your occupation and how do you like to spend your free time? I'm a child psychologist. In my free time I love to walk in nature, read, watch my favourite TV shows, hang out with my friends and family,(and occasionally go to the gym, haha). What are you most proud of? I have always wanted to write a book. But I was always too scared and overwhelmed by negative thoughts (I'm not a professional writer, I can't do this, who am I to write a book etc). And then right before my 40th birthday I decided to make this long time wish come true. Because I had a story that was worth telling. With the help of a writing coach I released my book in April this year. It's a story about a spiritual mountain walk I did back in my 20’s that changed my life, and it's about the strength of women, and sisterhood and female friendships and gratitude. I'm so proud i found the courage to make this dream of mine, of writing and publishing this book, this personal story, come true. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? “Show me all the parts of you that you do not love, so I know where to begin (I think it's by Ava, but don't really know the origin of this quote). I love it, because we women are often judged by our appearance, and that can make us so insecure. I think we should celebrate each other's so-called flaws and show love and acceptance, exactly as we are. What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? You are worthy of your own love. Self-worth and self love aren't things you have to earn by other people's approval. You ARE love. And you are more than enough. When you entered your 40's, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes?  As I turned 40 I came to appreciate my own opinion of myself . Whereas before I used to calculate other peoples opinions more than my own. Do you have a story about yourself that you would like to share? My weight has been an issue for a long time. Yo-yo-ing up and down in kgs. Last October I decided to live a more healthy life and learn more about finding balance in my diet. With the help of a dietician I have lost 17 kgs. Not only do I feel more confident in my body, I have also learned to redefine my relationship with food, a more healthy relationship. What are your thoughts on aging?  Aging is a blessing. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? I love to travel, and I travel as much as I can. So I will continue doing that. When I was younger I had certain goals, for example careerwise. But now my goal is to be more mindful in everyday life, taking the time to appreciate my blessings, the small ones and the big ones.
Gwen Tan // Gallery // Image 14
Fabulous Over 40, Women
Gwen Tan
Gwen came in as part of the Fabulous Over 40 Portrait Experience. We created some business and personal images to capture her beautiful tattoo. If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Perfectionist, intense, adventurer, determined. What would you say is your best emotional quality? Curious, focused, self-motivated What is your occupation and how to you like to spend your free time? I am a fractional marketing director but these days I spend a lot of time learning. In 2023, I took up violin, tango, horse riding, and programming. And recently I set up a volunteer-run support group for trauma survivors. What are you most proud of? I was abused when I was a child, for several years. It took me 30 years to speak up, seek help, and finally talk to someone about it. It was hard to overcome but that is not my narrative. I had to write my own story. So I worked hard, at my job, at myself to be where I am and who I am today. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? Live Hard, Burn Bright. What advice would you give your 20-year old self? Don't be held back, speak up, and seek help if you need to. What are your thoughts on aging? It's important to work on oneself physically (health and fitness), and mentally. I do not want to wither and die, I want to age gracefully. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? I have recently set up a volunteer-run support group for trauma survivors. Through this, we hope to be able to offer support, and guidance and help them find strength to rebuild themselves. A lot of times, it's just helpful to know that someone is listening. If you are reading this, you are a survivor. You made it this far. We see you and we are listening, talk to us. Reach out to us to talk or to support others. We are Women in Need of Guidance and Strength (WINGS), find us on Instagram @wings.strength.
Claire Scott, 45 // Gallery // Image 18
Women, Fabulous Over 40, Headshots
Claire Scott, 45
Claire did a photoshoot as a part of her promise to herself to do more things that are just for herself and to push herself out of her comfort zone. She is a positive, fun and energetic woman and I had so much fun with her in studio in Driebergen dancing to a playlist that her daughter had made for the shoot. I love her thoughts on ageing: "Ageing is the gift that keeps giving. It is the wisdom to know that no one actually knows what they are doing, we are all making it up as we go. It is the confidence to be more you and say no to things, or people, that no longer serve you. It is the self-assurance to no longer worry about what others think. And it is the invitation to wear what makes you happy and dance to shop music even if everyone is looking and especially when shopping with your teenage daughter " If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Electric, forceful, caring, fun What would you say is your best emotional quality? Practical, self aware, inquisitive and naturally empathetic. I am a glass half full person who likes to have fun. What is your occupation and how to you like to spend your free time? At the end of 2023 I stepped away from a C-suite role to recharge my batteries and spend more time with my daughters. After an amazing 9 month break I am super excited to explore what my next adventure could be which has kicked off with launching my own operational consultancy company, OpsAngel, here in The Netherlands. My free time is family time. Dog walks, hanging out, exploring new places, attempting to learn Dutch and Friday night which for my family is always home-made pizza night with a bit of a boogie in the kitchen. What are you most proud of? Our home is a kaleidoscope of colour, music, laughter and love that gives me so much joy and pride. I am proud of the personal journey I have been on since becoming a mum which has seen me step out of my comfort zone time and time again and led me to the top of my profession  I am proud of my beautiful family and the extraordinary human beings that are my children - the strong, confident women they are becoming and the way in which they navigate the world with such positivity , inquisitiveness and energy. And I am proud of the courage my husband and I have had to build a life, and a home, on our own terms. It could have been so easy to follow the crowd and do the things that others expected of us but instead we have trodden our own path which has taken us on many amazing adventures, led us to live in different countries, and brought into our lives people who have added so much depth and colour to all aspects of our lives. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? "What we know matters, but who we are matters more" Brene Brown Experiences over the things. Always. What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? You are enough! Worry less about what others think, trust more in yourself, be open to every opportunity, be selfish sometimes, and build two muscles every day; self love and health. When you entered your 40's, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? As I have gone into my 40s I have been humbled by the power of my body to tell me what it needs, and I am equally grateful that I have had the self awareness to be able to listen and act. I have learnt that physical and mental health is the foundation of everything and making it a priority has a positive knock-on effect on work, family and relationships.
Galina Bocika, 44 // Gallery // Image 3
Fabulous Over 40, Women
Galina Bocika, 44
Galina came for a photoshoot at my studio in Driebergen. She adores fashion and clothing and loves doing photoshoots every few years. She also decided to embrace her status as a 'silver sister' and celebrate her beautiful silver hair. She brought in a few different outfits and we played around with glamorous, classic and also a more boudoir feel to her images. We collated all her gorgeous images into the most beautiful album.
Grace Neidell - The Scent of Art Perfumes // Gallery // Image 7
Women, For Business, Fabulous Over 40
Grace Neidell - The Scent of Art Perfumes
Grace exudes a sense of sophistication in a down-to-earth and kind-hearted way. She contacted me to be a part of the Fabulous Over 40 and her main goal was to create some beautiful images featuring herself with the perfume that she has created. Yes, in her late 40's and not knowing anything about perfumes, she decided to learn about them and has developed her own sophisticated unisex fragrance - The Scent of Art. I love what she says about her life experience: "I have come to understand that surrender and acceptance are powerful and redeeming tools for a life full of spirit and grace." Read more about the story of her perfume: The Scent of Art is a perfume that uniquely originates from the art industry: The Grace Galleries was established in Laguna Beach, California and was deemed the most successful gallery in town: we sold our entire art collection to a Kansas museum owner in 1 sale! With no more art to look at on the walls of the gallery, it left me thinking about what other senses can connect people (male, female or non-binary) on a deeper level, without words or even with our eyes closed, so we don’t judge on each other’s outside appearance…. In 2021, I started to develop a fragrance that would appeal to everyone who is open minded and more so: openhearted. The Scent of Art is a unisex, long lasting fragrance with notes of leather, tobacco and vanilla, developed by some of the best “noses” in Paris and is further produced and bottled in Los Angeles. We launched at the same time in Amsterdam, LA, Paris, Tokyo and Marrakech and work with some prominent names in the entertainment and fashion industry all over the world, such as Rome Kanda (Hollywood actor from Japan), Hicham Benslimane (Beverly Hills Fashion Designer originally from Fez, Morocco) and Can Bonomo (Turkish rockstar) The best part of running a perfume business is that it’s always positive: people deem perfume a sophisticated product, and that’s exactly what it is. The Scent of Art is a beauty spin off from the art collection of The Grace Galleries: besides a luxury bottled edition for unisex, personal use, The Grace Galleries is now working on developing the right concentration of the fragrance for spaces, such as hotels, offices and homes. For orders
Martine van Weelden, 42 // Gallery // Image 11
Women, Fabulous Over 40
Martine van Weelden, 42
Martine came to my photo studio in Driebergen for the Fabulous Over 40 Portrait Experience in 2023. She was still recovering from a ruptured achilles when she came for her shoot and so it was quite entertaining posing her as she hobbled around the studio. We still had lots of fun. If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? According to my partner ‘funny, smart and sexy’. What would you say is your best emotional quality? I think I’m quite relatable, I like it if people feel at ease around me and vice versa. I like to make a real connection with people. Keeping up appearances is not my thing. What is your occupation and how to you like to spend your free time? I’m a Director at the Capitals Coalition. We aim to make business decision making more sustainable by redefining value, so that it includes the value provided by nature and people. This in turn should drive systemic economic change. Simply put, we don’t pay a bee for all the services it provides to us, but yet we profit massively from their pollination for instance. If we would account for the importance of the bees' services, our decisions would be made differently. I was supposed to travel a lot for work, as i lead on a global project on agriculture a.o., but due to covid I'v ebeen working form home mostly. I love to be in nature and lead an active social life, preferably near the beach. I love kitesurfing, tourskiing, dancing, writing short stories and gardening. Travelling and meeting new people and cultures I enjoy too. As I'm injured now, I've started oil painting. What are you most proud of? My perseverance and agility. I’ve had my fair share of setbacks. Studying anthropology and wanting to have a meaningful career in sustainability wasn’t easy when I started 20 years ago, and now that’s what I do. I have faced quite some societal rejection, and still do as a childless woman. Entering my 40’s this is specifically hard. There is a lot of talk about how hard it is to be a mom, but little conversation nor interest in the other side of the medal and the outsider role you get within society. Embracing my scars with compassion is what I’m learning. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!' by Dr. Seuss always gives me strenght. My favorite bit: You'll get mixed up, of course,  As you already know.  You'll get mixed up With many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step.  Step with care and great tact  And remember that Life's A Great Balancing Act.  Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? I was 22 at the time and living life to the fullest. I think it would have helped me if I had stopped doubting my intelligence, capacities and beauty, and would have allow myself more to mess up life up every now and then. A few years back a lady said to me ‘remember, you’re a catch’. It would have been nice to take that in at age 22. When you entered your 40's, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? I'm not sure whether it's age or covid, but I notice that I connect more with fewer people and feel less urge to invest in many people. That's quite liberating! Do you have a story about yourself that you would like to share? I ruptured my achilles tendon when doing a dance workshop at a beach early July, 2 days before I was supposed to have my shoot. We had to reschedule, and during the shoot I still couldn't walk properly (still can't). Jules did an amazing job in supporting me throughout. It was a challenge to find positions I was comfortable in, but we succeeded. What are your thoughts on aging? I think there's beauty in youthfulness, but also in age. Unfortunately the latter is undervalued by women. I wish women would stop the ratrace for eternal youth through plastic surgery, it's a race we'll never win. I hope people at this age can be content with who they are, and radiate the beauty of age. Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? I'd love to write a novel about the many travels I've made and all the beauty I encountered in small moments when travelling.
Barbara Ballendux(feat. Josephine) // Gallery // Image 15
Motherhood, Women
Barbara Ballendux(feat. Josephine)
I adored this shoot so much! Barbara participated in the Fabulous Over 40 Portrait Experience. She came into my studio in Driebergen with her beautiful daughter, Josephine and we created some personal images for Barbara as well as some mother-daughter images celebrating their beautiful connection.
Natasja van Dijk // Gallery // Image 19
Women, Fabulous Over 40
Natasja van Dijk
Natasja, 45 FABULOUS OVER 40 If your friends/family had to describe you in 3-4 words, what would they say? Honest, loyal, fierce, passionate What would you say is your best emotional quality? Compassionate What is your occupation and how do you like to spend your free time? I've been a Data Protection Officer for a local government in the South of.the Netherlands for 5 years now. My job as a DPO is to ensure GDPR compliance by our government. In my spare time I love to ride motorcycle -  it clears my head and makes me stay grounded and connected to myself. What are you most proud of? I am the most proud of my son, my mirror and my reason for living...we have survived and overcome a lot a lot together and still are... but during these storms of life we face them fiercely together. And learn from each other...this two way stream..this connection is the one I am most proud of. What is your favourite poem, quote or saying? “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tzu What advice would you give your 20-year old self looking back? Trust yourself, know yourself, be yourself and say no when needed so you can take care of yourself! When you entered your 40's, what did you find were the most significant or poignant changes? Recognition of the fact that my life was unbalanced, because I was trying to be everything and everyone at my best...a mother, a daughter, a friend, a girlfriend, a DPO, a housewife etc. It was impossible to sustain that any longer and my body made that clear to me. It made me literally stop... stop and overthink at 46 I now know what and how to stay balanced. See my advice to myself at 20🤪 Do you have a story about yourself that you would like to share? In my life I had many encounters or experiences with (extreme) fears....but also just as many with love. One should always listen to it warning me or is it retaining me...know to feel the difference...and always to be led and directed by love.. never lose faith and be honest to and by yourself all times! What are your thoughts on ageing? The moment we start to exist, we in fact start to die. This fact, and the many dear family and friends I have lost, make the process of ageing sometimes cold, lonely and hard. But it also has a flipside to it... because the aging process also has an enriching, motivating and thriving side to it..... the experiences and moments of love, happiness and joy... those moments that make you want to become a better version of your dying self … Do you still have a dream or big goal that you would love to accomplish? My goal is to age respectfully and with integrity and to reach those who need to hear and feel the needed change in most fields of society....more connectivity instead of individualism and more compassion instead of knowing and prescribing what is needed!